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Blog Posts


The Fediverse, Meta, and Enshittification
·596 words·3 mins
Meta has the technological edge over the Fediverse and enshittifiction is ensured. Should the Fediverse still federate with threats?
Viewing Agile Through The Feedback Loop Lens
··1618 words·8 mins
DevSecOps Agile
Viewing agile through the feedback lense gives interesting insights into why projects fail and what we can do against it


Testing the compatibility of gpg and bouncy-gpg
·958 words·5 mins
Coding Bouncy-Gpg Java Testing
For bouncy-gpg I needed to assert compatibility with gnupg. This means a lot of shelling out gpg.
Bouncy GPG 2.2.0 released
·1066 words·6 mins
Coding Bouncy-Gpg Java
bouncy-gpg 2.2.0, now with key generation
LeetCode #931. Minimum Falling Path Sum
·1068 words·6 mins
Coding Leetcode Python Dynamic Programming
132 ms, faster than 38.27%
LeetCode #746 : Min cost climbing stairs
·955 words·5 mins
Coding Leetcode Python Dynamic Programming
60 ms, faster than 44.27%


LeetCode #8 : String to Integer (atoi)
·3964 words·19 mins
Coding Leetcode Python Profiling
Solution in python3: 28 ms, faster than 93.82% (plus python profiling)
LeetCode #23 : Merge k Sorted Lists
·1670 words·8 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
$O(n * log(k))$ solution in python3: faster than 83.12%
LeetCode #10 : Regular Expression Matching
·2073 words·10 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
solution in python3: 44 ms, faster than 86.57%, Memory Usage: 12.7 MB, less than 100.00%
LeetCode #3: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
·1037 words·5 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
$O(n)$ solution in python3: 44 ms, faster than 99.09%