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Testing the compatibility of gpg and bouncy-gpg
·958 words·5 mins
Coding Bouncy-Gpg Java Testing
For bouncy-gpg I needed to assert compatibility with gnupg. This means a lot of shelling out gpg.
Bouncy GPG 2.2.0 released
·1066 words·6 mins
Coding Bouncy-Gpg Java
bouncy-gpg 2.2.0, now with key generation
LeetCode #931. Minimum Falling Path Sum
·1068 words·6 mins
Coding Leetcode Python Dynamic Programming
132 ms, faster than 38.27%
LeetCode #746 : Min cost climbing stairs
·955 words·5 mins
Coding Leetcode Python Dynamic Programming
60 ms, faster than 44.27%


LeetCode #8 : String to Integer (atoi)
·3964 words·19 mins
Coding Leetcode Python Profiling
Solution in python3: 28 ms, faster than 93.82% (plus python profiling)
LeetCode #23 : Merge k Sorted Lists
·1670 words·8 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
$O(n * log(k))$ solution in python3: faster than 83.12%
LeetCode #10 : Regular Expression Matching
·2073 words·10 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
solution in python3: 44 ms, faster than 86.57%, Memory Usage: 12.7 MB, less than 100.00%
LeetCode #3: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
·1043 words·5 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
$O(n)$ solution in python3: 44 ms, faster than 99.09%
LeetCode #2: Add Two Numbers
·520 words·3 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
$O(n)$ solution in python3: 64 ms, faster than 93,77%
LeetCode #1 : Two Sum
·1545 words·8 mins
Coding Leetcode Python
O(n) solution in python3: 44 ms, faster than 97,63%